
Full Prompt:

UEsDBBQAAAAIAGJnVFeSnGW1DwUAAGMUAQAIAAAAaW5mby50eHTtmkGO5EYMBO8G9i/q/3/OwMCI cnOSFLU9BgxsxKmqSGZp4yJheq9Lvvj1113HH4MqQBWgClAFqAJUAaoAVYAqQBWgClAFqAJUAaoA VYAqQBWQVbzuOX0poE0p1dRXzlLeFWjzEilAFaAKUAWoAgYVqVCqqa+9tD1rx14d1zvlLLUsqqoA VYAqQBVwpyI9Q1tNtKGlUM5SfJuS8hYBBVWAKkAVoAr4TMVi+ygltTzvS4VULagCVAGqAFXAZyoW hXOWCjPXO+1ZmSirtlpQBagCVAGqgDsVi2q5Kp2lvMVZG5CuTGOPqqoAVYAqQBXwU7+O/e9WM1dA FaAKUAWoArKKR8y3zIX2rKwKqXB9iipAFaAKUAWsPry/P8s3ts2LvvIEpVCY+1K1jVIFqAJUAaqA 1RukJJZV6mvP5kd6/Rwp9BpRBagCVAGqgP3fK9pCakl58x2lLxXmlCtQCnOzKkAVoApQBdy9QcrT pELqa7neSYW5OfWdQlrNhYMqQBWgClAFrFSk+1Ji2/LfrdK2FA6p5aAKUAWoAlQBDz+8U19Zbaun kO4oZ21L21xWC1QBqgBVgCrg7tex1zulmibSWCGNLZoL24lF1BeqAFWAKkAVMHx4l+mU2G7Lqsym 7SK0bNuAQrmtRRWgClAFqAJWb5C52janZ5jz2rFSaCfasbJKqAJUAaoAVcBnb5C5kFoSqeWcpZTF toylvIIqQBWgClAF3KlYUCbKbLstq7ZQZlPzImAe+0IVoApQBagC9h/e5ZHmQtrOfS2lJW1TfKpe I6oAVYAqQBXwo2+QM/ZJ3mGRt4ifUw6qAFWAKkAV8PANkvpKS+nbnpXCYqKctXnXElWAKkAVoApY qWgvTdXfTCmrOeUKtHnbAFWAKkAVoAq4+/But+csUartxKO809KOpUJpSX1fqAJUAaoAVcCg4ovX E9LEJ1FlbHtWONWyKqgCVAGqAFXA3RukTSzb0reIasfK2Tz7fFVSDqoAVYAqQBWw/3tF2rbN27MS UEJTobS01eeoAlQBqgBVwN0bpF2l5sIiKm3nwhzabtvmgypAFaAKUAXcvUFSIZFa5rPEou81UvrK akYVoApQBagCVirasFQID1gfKcW31bkvNb/eOWfXiCpAFaAKUAU8VDFf8P4I63/2b56V+LRKtFVV gCpAFaAKuPtPBYf0IG2h7SsT81kqtH2L5GtEFaAKUAWoAu7+zNvetzhL1RT6eifNzvGnr0yUs2lc Ff9CFaAKUAXsP7xTWLoqzbbbUtjSTrR55Sw9gSpAFaAKUAU8/PA+q7QtTGn/kFLavkTb0saXsYMq QBWgClAFrD6824jUUprb1dmWvEfNpfAKtMkFVYAqQBWgCvidD+9UTX3l7BFtfHvlzHWPKkAVoApQ Bew/vBPllsUzLKptVJlIzYu8q0MVoApQBagChjfIzOlLE21KuaNdpb650OYdUspBFaAKUAWoAlYf 3m31FWiby9ncXFpSIZHy2mpBFaAKUAWoAu5UpLB5lcZKwLalkPrKqqUNPagCVAGqAFXAD6hI1cRi tm2ZZ1PLIq+gClAFqAJUAZ+pSBNtwNWRmh/dkbbnbNH3hSpAFaAKUAXcqVhUy33z9fOq8HonFdpt Cih9BVWAKkAVoAr4+V/H2ry58O2C17c7WtLYc1QBqgBVgCogq/gjUQWoAlQBqgBVgCpAFaAKUAWo AlQBqgBVgCpAFaAKUAWoAlQBv/76G1BLAQIUABQAAAAIAGJnVFeSnGW1DwUAAGMUAQAIAAAAAAAA AAEAIAAAAAAAAABpbmZvLnR4dFBLBQYAAAAAAQABADYAAAA1BQAAAAA=

How to solve:

At first glance, this looks to be Base64 Encoded data. My first instinct is to use CyberChef and start running recipies on it. So lets get baking!

CyberChef website image of prompt's base64 data decoded.

The output looks like a bunch of gobbledygook, or does it?!?! For anyone who is unaware or have not worked on reversing before, there is this concept of “Magic Bytes” which are basically the first few bytes of a file to signify it’s type. Looking at the output a little closer, you can see that it starts with PK␃␄ signifying that it is a zip file.

Zoomed image of the base64 decoded prompt on the output's first few bytes.

Let’s keep baking!

Oh look! There is a file! Let’s download it and check out it’s contents!

Image of the text file opened showing a lot of 0 and 1 characters.

Hmm. This seems a bit odd. Looks like it could be binary or some form of “ascii” art. Let’s try zooming out in word pad first and see if there is an image.

image of a text file that looks like a rectangular QR code.

Woah! A QR code! But aren’t QR codes normally square? Is there a way that we can make this be square? Let’s try doing some good old-fashioned find and replace. I’m thinking of replacing all the 0s with a space.

Image of Rectangular QR Code from before with a dialog box for find replace of the 0 character for a space character.
Image of rectangular QR Code but all the 0s are missing.

Hmm. Still looks a little rectangular. Let’s try zooming out even more!

Image of a square QR Code from that text file.

Now that’s a good looking QR code! Let’s scan it and see where it takes us! Since I like to use my computer and don’t want to use my phone. I’ll snip the QR code and save it as a picture so I can use an online QR code reader. I will use https://qrscanner.net/

Image of the QR code being scanned by an only scanner. It displays the code contains text that appears to be base64 encoded.

Awesome! More stuff that looks to be Base64 data! Let’s go bake some more!

CyberChef's interface showing the QR code's text data being base64 decoded. The data appears to be hexadecimal representation of ASCII characters.

More decoding?!?!?! Well, this appears to be hexadecimal values, which means they can be converted to their ASCII equivalents. Lucky for us, we can add that to our recipe to bake!

CyberChef interface with the flag showing, but the flag value is hidden behind a blue mask.

There we go! We finally got the flag!

My thoughts:

Kudos to whomever made this challenge! It was fun and definitely required some out of the box thinking to store a QR code at max zoom out in Notepad.


BSides Greenville - Day of 2